How Much Protein Should You Eat? (+ Nourish30 Details)
How much protein should you eat? What about play? Learn the foundations of the Nourish30 Challenge inside!
Let's discuss the details of the challenge because it officially begins on Saturday (although you can start whenever you please).
I just finished making my summer plan, working through the guide, and clarifying a few details about each foundation.
**If you're not in the challenge, you can still use these foundations to build a healthier life. One that is free of restriction because health is the opposite of restriction. In a lot of ways, it's an expansion.
Now, I know as well as anyone else that good intentions only take you so far, which is why you occasionally need a challenge. To me, a challenge is choosing to show up, even when you don't always feel like it, even when your good intentions fly away with the wind, and you'd rather spend your mornings sleeping a little longer than engaging in a workout.Â
I get it. We all have these days and moments. But you can't let them linger. You have to keep showing up.
95% of success is showing up consistently
This summer, I want to help you show up for your health. Not in a way that micromanages your life but that provides the only foundation your body needs to thrive: safety and energy.
The six foundations of the challenge help you fulfill the most important aspects of health: creating energy and providing safety.
Before the challenge kicks off, I wanted to explain each foundation a bit more and hold you accountable for making a plan (I want to see it in writing ;))
But first, let's break down the six foundations of the challenge.
Foundation 01: Positive Self Talk
You talk to yourself more than anyone else. I'm guessing you've heard that before, and while alarming, I don't think it's as troubling as the following truth:
How you talk to yourself changes your biology.
The words you speak directly influence the state of your internal body conditions. Your biology follows your thoughts, and your thoughts determine your level of threat or safety.
When you speak poorly about yourself, you become your own worst enemy.
No matter how hard you work, action can't overcome your words.
Pay attention to what you are speaking over yourself. The thoughts and words may be so repeated that you no longer notice the patterns.
Every day throughout the challenge, I encourage you to speak life over yourself, to speak health over your body, and by all means, stop slewing negative words at yourself. You may have body fat, but that doesn't mean you are fat, and calling yourself fat is not helping you get rid of it. It's just causing your body to continue storing it.Â
Be careful what you speak. Choose life-giving words to speak about yourself. You'll be amazed at how much safety this alone can create.
Foundation 02: Move Daily
We may be living in our rest area, and rest isn't always bad, but most of us are resting too much.
The way to build safety and create energy is through movement. You were made to move. Stress was made to move, energy was made to move, emotions were made to move, food was made to move, thoughts were made to move, and again, you were made to move.Â
Energy is constantly in motion, or at least should be. The way to ensure this is to move more.Â
Movement is one of the best ways to build resiliency and create health, which is also why research proves it's our best medicine for mental health declines, boosting your immune system, and even changing how your body generates energy.
Don't get so hung up on what you do, but choose to move more often.
Throughout the challenge, pick a movement cycle you will commit to. Whether that's a step goal, a strength goal, or, better yet, a combination of both, choose it and stick with it. Every day, get out and move your body.Â
Foundation 03: Eat More Protein
Protein is considered one of the most underconsumed macronutrients of our generation. It is also one of the most metabolically active.
Protein provides the building blocks that help your body create healthier structures. It builds muscle while supplying all other tissues the necessary nutrients to build structure, whether a cell membrane, DNA, bone tissue, cartilage, or collagen production that helps your skin, hair, and nails look beautiful.Â
You need protein. Without it, your body structure (and safety) will diminish, creating a negative spiral.Â
To repeat myself, you are most likely not getting enough.
Throughout the challenge, you should consume more protein. DID YOU HEAR THAT? I'm telling you to eat more.
Start slow and work yourself up to eating adequate amounts. You should consume roughly 80-120 grams of protein daily, or one gram per kilogram of body weight.
I know tracking can ignite its own form of trauma. Let this be a time to work through that, not avoid it. You will most likely need to track how much you consume to meet this requirement.
Download a free macro tracker and pay attention only to the grams of protein. Track a few days each week to ensure you meet the adequate amounts.
Foundation 04: Play Daily
It may sound childish, and we've certainly done an excellent job of assuming play is only for children, but play is for all of us. And "play" is one of the fastest ways to signal safety to your body.
Creativity is one of the first things to go when living in a threat (even if that is a self-created threat). But when you get intentional about being creative, adventurous, and even connecting with other people, you tell your body things are safe, which changes how your entire biology responds.
You cannot discount the power of play or, in a more adult way, the power of presence in living a healthy life.
But play won't naturally happen, especially not if you've created (or survived) patterns of unsafety. You have to create it.
You must choose to engage in a form or "play" daily. That could mean picking up a hobby, doing a recreational activity, getting creative, or dusting up on your inner artist. It could also mean exploring, taking an adventure, joining (or starting) a club, hosting a dinner party, or attending a Bible study.Â
Anything that engages with your present life in a fun way constitutes play.
One thing every day can change the entire scope of your biology.
Foundation 05: Read More
Just as your body craves work, so does your mind.
Your mind longs for expansion, new understanding, and growth. That is why reading is one of the factors scientifically proven to increase longevity.
Those who read more live longer.Â
I don't care what you read, whether fiction, nonfiction, your Bible, or a study. Read (or listen) to at least one chapter of something daily.Â
**That does not include reading on social media*** Boundaries ;)
Foundation 06: Weekly Sabbath
You were made to work, but you were also gifted rest. Don't neglect the power of a full day of rest, both from a Biblical and biological perspective.
When done in combination with work, rest rebalances your mind, body, and soul. It is a great energizer of your life.
Rather than getting so consumed by the act, focus on the motivation. Focus on the heart behind why you rest.
Let it be a means of filling your body. Out of that, determine what you can do within your weekly sabbath to create energy.
For some, that may mean taking a nap. For others, it may mean getting out and moving.
Ask yourself how you need to recharge. Take one entire 24-hour cycle and use it to recharge each week. There are no rules other than focusing on presence and rest.
Join the Challenge!
Download the FREE Nourish30 Challenge and start working through it. Drop a picture or write out your plan for each foundation in the comments or reply to me with an email. I'll leave mine in the comments for you to see.
The challenge begins Saturday, June 1st!
On Monday, I'll be back in your inbox sharing some motivation, and then each Friday through the challenge, I'll check in (plus I'll send you some high-protein meal and snack ideas).
I don't know about you, but I'm pumped to start!
Remember to share your challenge details below!
P.S. I just dropped a podcast on how to lose weight (the healthy way)! Check it out here as you get motivated for the challenge ahead!
I always loving starting a new season with some extra thoughts and practice with routines. I love the balance of body, mind, soul but I expect nothing less from you!
And I’m very excited for some new summer recipes! I’m in a meal planning rut…
So excited about this challenge. Just what I needed to ignite action and hold myself accountable. Spending time thinking through the workbook was empowering. I feel confident that this is possible. Thanks Alexa!