I don't mean that to discount the fact that you might have a hormonal flow issue. But if you stop here, you'll miss the deep healing by blaming a surface-level issue. And hormones tend to be a surface-level health problem that distracts you from the deeper issue.
To fully understand how to heal your "hormone" issues, we must dive into what your hormones are. Contrary to popular belief, they're not controlling your outcome.
Hormones are energetic messenger molecules that pass along communication to your cells, changing the outcome.
Think of your hormones like a mail carrier.
They are delivering the message, but they're not writing it.
The problem is the message, not the messenger.
People spend far too long trying to 'shoot the messenger' while letting the one responsible for writing the message off the hook. But if you want to change your health (including your mind), you must change the message.
The hormonal hierarchy helps you understand how the message changes the hormone response and what to do to change it.
What You’ll Learn:
Understanding the hormonal hierarchy
The responsible party for the writes the message
Hormone Lesson 101
It's easy to blame your hormones. They appear to be the culprit and are easily tested. I would even encourage testing to help paint a picture of what is happening inside your system. But understanding what hormones are firing is not the underlying problem. It's just an understanding of what could be the problem.
The problem is trying to micromanage your hormones without shifting the message.
When you do this, you often bandage a problem. It's like covering for a lie. The truth is still inside, waiting to erupt into reality. To fully heal, you have to get back to the message.