Uncomplicated Things
2 minute read | Life is hard, but are you making it harder? Here are a few weekend tips to un-complicate life and live more of it.
I don't mean to spam you this week.
But I felt the need to inform you that we wrapped up the final podcast of the summer series, How You Heal.
I'm biased, but I think this last episode, Five Simple Ways To Change Your Health, should be on your list of weekend plans. It uncomplicates a few things about health that you should know. Making it realistic, which is the only place health advice should land!
Even more than that, I hope that it encourages you to start doing something this weekend to fuel your body with energy!
And to stop over-complicating things.
Here's your weekend reminder.
The human brain is hard-wired to complicate things. It's a perceived weakness (really, it's a survival response) associated with being human. But if you let it linger, it will become the voice telling you health and happiness can't go together.
In the past, that might have been true.
But moving forward, you have to see how wrong this thinking is. You can't have happiness without health or health without happiness.
The starting place to shift that thinking is to know you're going to overcomplicate things.
Acknowledging that brings the awareness to liberate you from the need to overcomplicate matters (or, at the very least, lessen how often your subconscious attempts to muddy the waters).
Start small.
Here are a few uncomplicated things you should remind yourself to stop complicating this weekend.
How much water you should drink. There is no magic formula. Drink to thirst.
Your exercise routine. Instead of worrying about what you'll do, choose to move every day in whatever way your body craves that day.
The comment someone said to you. Stop overthinking it. Whatever it is, it probably wasn't intended to the degree you're making it out to be in your head.
How clean your house is. Houses should look lived in because they are. Stop trying to make it picture-perfect and embrace living in it more.
Just say "I love You," no strings attached.
Comparing the lives of other people to your own. They'll never match or add up. And thank goodness they don't. It would be a pretty boring life to all be the same. Spend less time watching other people live their lives (ahem, on social media) and more time living yours.
Micromanaging your diet to lose weight. Eat to fill yourself with energy, not to reduce it.
Finding the perfect morning routine. Just wake up and enjoy your life.
As Confucious once said:
"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."
When you know you're tendency is to complicate things, you can stop it before it gets the best of you. Stop making life harder than it needs to be.
In honor of what we over-complicated, I started a new thread where we can hold more discussions. I want to help you and provide the content you need to improve your life! And I'd rather hear from you than scour Reddit threads.
Check that out below, and let me know what you think!
With that said, here's to having the best weekend!
Take a breath and go live it! I'll see you back here next week!