The Weekly Fill: Healing Foods
I love food. Yet, I've hated it at the same time.
I love to eat it. But I hate obsessing about it, talking about it, and planning for it.
It's funny I got into the nutrition space to begin with. My motivation was definitely not to make meal plans for life. It was to search for the answers the health space didn't seem to bring.
To end the food war.
Ironically, I've engaged in my own food war over the years. I've attempted several different 'diets.' And when they failed to work, or I became so overwhelmed by them, the guilt and hate would rage, making me flee to the opposite direction - believing food didn't matter no matter how much I knew it did.
In the process, I've learned a thing or two. I've even found the best of both worlds. I enjoy food but also care deeply (without obsessing) over how I feed my body.
No shame.
No guilt.
No restriction.
No obsessing.
No micromanaging.
Just caring.
It starts by putting food back into its rightful place.
Understanding the purpose of food is not to change your body or how you look but to support your body. And then trusting that if you support your body, it will change in the way you had hoped all along.
Health means aliveness. And if you want to feel healthy, you need to support this aliveness by eating foods that make you feel alive.
Eating for energy.
To feel vibrant, light, and healthy. Not eating because you’re stressed, sad, feeling overweight, or trying to meet the latest diet requirements.
The tricky part is that you’ve been fed a lot of ideas (no matter how truthful they are) regarding what foods are healthy or unhealthy that have become cemented into your beliefs. You’ll continue to live out of these beliefs until you change them.
To change how you eat, you have to change your beliefs about what you eat.
It’s a requirement.
A hard fact.
There is no getting around it.
In the next podcast, I share the power of healing foods, continuing in the series How You Heal. But to be receptive to this, you have to understand what you currently believe and start making room for a new way to view food.
No matter how cheesy this sounds, I am here to tell you it’s worth it.
Trust the process!
Food isn’t what you thought, and yet it’s so much better!
Your Weekly Action: Uncover Your Food Beliefs
If I’m incredibly honest, last year, I would never have written this detailed post on protein. And I certainly wouldn’t have shown you how to eat 130 grams of it.
I was so over food that I wanted to find any outlets that would make food a moot point in getting healthy. All because I was struggling with my own negative relationship with food.
But this year, I had a big turning point by healing previous food wounds and old beliefs.
Here is what I know:
Food matters. What you eat has the power to change you. Just not in the way we’ve been taught.
How you eat is based on the power of your beliefs. Not everything you believe is accurate or helpful, making it necessary to confront.
Take some time to write out what you believe about food.
Here are a few more prompts:
What messages have you heard about food? What do you believe from these?
What did you learn about food in childhood?
Leave a comment telling me what you learned about food in your childhood. Often, this message is what has shaped your beliefs the most.
Your Weekly Action: Eat something that Makes You Feel Alive
Don’t overcomplicate food or let yourself feel guilty because of it. Remember, guilt is one of the lowest energy emotions.
Instead of restriction, deprivation, and starvation, lean into food with a sense of abundance.
Look at food based on its aliveness. Eating more foods that make you feel alive. At the next meal, choose foods that make you feel vibrant. Pay attention to how you feel.
Pleasure is a great motivator. And feeling alive is one of the most pure experiences of pleasure. The more alive you feel, the more pleasure you will experience, and the more likely you will repeat it.
In the coming weeks, we’ll be diving deeper into bioenergetic nutrition. It’s the power of food that heals! While you wait, catch up on the previous few podcasts!
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