My Favorite Seven Things This October
What if you could experience health before the new year? Even better, what if you never had to set health resolutions?
A few years ago, I decided this was what I wanted. I didn't want to wait. That minuscule commitment turned into big things!
We've officially hit the last 90 days of the year. Historically, it's the most overlooked. But what if you used it and made the most of it? Don't wait for the new year or make proclamations like you'll start with fresh resolutions.
Use these 90 days to make changes! No waiting.
You'll be shocked at how many changes can happen before January 1st.
You have 90 days! Ask yourself, what do you want to accomplish? Now go do it!
Need motivation? Keep reading for my non-traditional motivation tips!
Get Healthy Before The New Year!
This may feel like a shameless plug, and I’m okay with that, especially if it could help you heal your metabolism and energize your body before the new year begins.
Historically, October-December are the months people surrender their health to holiday eating. Giving up on any and all goals because it feels too overwhelming, not to mention the food is just too good.
But I want to show you a path of health that doesn’t involve restricting what you love but getting healthy out of energizing your whole.
There are 10 seats still open in Health Made Simple!
Learn more here!
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7 Things…
01: Health Tip: Up Your Laugh Quota
I heard a mind-boggling and yet unsurprising statistic the other day. Children laugh, on average, 50 times more than adults!
Sobering right?
Honestly, I was a little taken aback by the stark difference, yet it makes sense upon observing my children. While I’m sure the data is skewed, how do we know how much someone laughs? The research behind laughing isn’t.
Laughter changes us in the best of ways.
Research has shown that laughter reduces levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, epinephrine, and dopamine. It increases health-enhancing hormones (such as endorphins), neurotransmitters, and infection-fighting antibodies and improves blood flow to the heart.
All result in greater relaxation, disease resistance, improved mood, and a positive outlook.
Laughter helps you feel more optimistic, hopeful, and engaged. We’re friendlier, more resourceful, more attractive, and radiantly more alive.
Plain and simple, we need to add more laughter to our lives, which is probably more of a choice than a coincidence.
What makes you laugh the most in your life?
02: Quote I love:
03: Current struggle win: Holy Confidence
The last few months, I posted a struggle in this section. The reality is I am a human who is still working on health. It’s a process that lasts a lifetime. But this month, I wanted to focus on the wins!
I wanted to live by my words and stop giving the struggle more attention than it deserves.
Wins are the reward that keeps us progressing forward and trudging through the struggle.
This month, my confidence started on shaky ground, but something flipped.
I’ve been reading the Old Testament and realized a common theme. Few of the people God called, like Moses and Joshua, felt confident or able to do what they were called.
Moses asked for help. Joshua pleaded with God. Yet, God repeatedly reminded them, “Do not be afraid, for I am with you.”
For I am the Lord your God
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
I will help you. (Isaiah 41:13)
I’ve always found a lot of hope through these passages, but something changed when I allowed it to become my source of confidence.
When I took it from a feeling (hope) into an action (confidence), I surrendered to the fact that while I am weak, unable, and unready, God is. And it’s not just God who is doing externally, but He is in me, going before me and living through me.
I grew up hearing these messages, but sometimes, it takes years (maybe even 35) to soak into my bones. Instead of talking about it, I started to live it. The holy confidence that said I might not be able to, but God is, was palpable.
Even my husband took note!
Generally, I would overlook such compliments and feelings, but I want this one to settle into my identity. And that means celebrating the win!
I wasn’t just confident in myself, but I was living out the holy confidence God created in me.
A few other wins:
I started running/walking again, but this time from a place of joy and not need. It’s felt so good.
I’ve found myself regulating quicker when I become dysregulated (which is short for saying I don’t stay angry as long as I used to).
I’ve been more open about my feelings with others.
I’ve stopped complaining so much.
What are some wins you experienced this month? I’d love to start a win thread! Leave a comment out of celebration!
04: Therapy Tip: Both Things Can Be True
It’s hard in the world of so many hard and fast truths to understand how it’s possible to feel a multitude of different things at once. Perhaps one of the greatest gifts that came out of counseling was understanding that both things can be true.
You can love your kids and sometimes feel so overwhelmed by parenting. You can love yourself while still frustrated at the parts of you that haven’t changed.
You can be relieved and heartbroken.