'No-Guilt' Holiday Tip
1 minute read | The Weekly Fill: Don’t Wait for January—Start Feeling Good Today
At this point, you could roll me into January.
Do you feel the same way?
The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas always leave me craving something healthy. It’s like my body protests against the extra-large meals and sweets of the season.
And it happens every year.
I know it happens, yet I still love this time of the year.
That's why I refuse to beat myself up about it.
There is no room for shame or guilt this holiday season. Instead of wasting energy on feelings that only make you feel worse about yourself, use that energy to fill yourself back up.
Be thankful for the season.
Be thankful for the meals.
Be thankful for the people you shared them with.
While simultaneously detoxing from the holiday treats.
It's not hard, and it doesn't have to involve another 7-day plan to get you back on track. It's as simple as making one healthy decision after the next.
Drink a glass of water.
Go for a walk.
Make a green smoothie.
Choose a broth-based soup.
Stop eating before you’re full.
Pick up the weights.
Skip take-out and cook something at home.
Foam roll your body.
Go to bed earlier.
Too often, we discount healing because results take time. But here’s the truth: healing is immediate. It happens every time you make a choice that supports your body.
One decision after the next, all in the name of energizing your body and feeling filled—not just full.
Be intentional. Don’t write off the rest of December waiting for January 1st. These days matter just as much as any. Focus on today, and let tomorrow take care of itself.
Release the past. Let the future stay in the future. Live in this moment, and choose health, one decision at a time.
What’s one choice you can make right now to support your body? Go do it.