My Nourish 30 Journey (How it's really going)
I'm 1000% attempting to convince you to a) finish and b) start July 1st. Let me start by sharing my journey!
Everyone is always shocked by how fast time goes, especially during summer. No matter how cliche, I am still one of them.
That also means the Nourish30 challenge is flying by, as we officially hit day 26.
Or maybe you started a bit late (or not at all). In either case, I'm 1000% attempting to convince you to a) finish and b) start July 1st.
But first, let me share my honest thoughts/reviews if one can do that with something they create. I should preface this and say I'm incredibly biased at this point.
But here's the thing, I generally suck at challenges.
It's not because I lack discipline. I'm relatively disciplined, at least in what I enjoy. But I'm not good at rigidity. I love flexibility and spontaneity. It's literally what brings me life.
Therefore, I'll fight anything that feels too structured.
I hate being put inside a box, which is why I'm not good at challenges.
They often feel like a stuffy Amazon box left in the sweltering sun. But not the Nourish30. It's different, built to enhance creativity and spontaneity.
And I'm really liking it. Let me share my wins.
My Nourish 30 wins:
01) I am more rested on less sleep.
Before starting the challenge, I needed 8-9 hours a night, and even then, I was still somewhat tired. But lately. I've been waking up ON MY OWN after 7-7.5 hours and feeling refreshed.
My doubting brain wants to assume it's just because the sun is coming up earlier and thus waking me up, but my positive brain says this is a win.
02) I feel more toned (and must look the part because my husband commented on it this week).
I have always loved working out, but strength training, especially with heavier weights, was something I could easily talk myself out of.
Throughout the challenge, I've consistently lifted three to four times a week and noticed decent changes. I can't chalk it up to anything but lifting because I didn't change my walking habits. Walking is a form of therapy for me, so I rarely skip.
My doubting brain wants to assume my husband was trying to win brownie points, but my positive brain says, you know what, I feel it too.
03) I crave healthier food.
Yesterday, I had to be out of the house and in a different town for the morning, and I decided to pick up breakfast. Out of habit, I ordered my usual with a side of hashbrowns (my favorite part). But after getting my food, I noticed I wasn't even interested in finishing the hashbrowns. I was craving more protein.
My doubting brain has nothing to say about this. I was just as amazed as I was. My positive brain is really thriving with the increased protein intake.
04) I feel and speak more positively.
This is a huge win for me because, behind closed doors, I can be an eternal pessimist. I'm chalking up this win to speaking more kindly to myself and intentionally paying attention to God in everyday moments. And wow, He has shown up!
05) My mind feels clear and less anxious and depressed.
I still have moments of wallowing and worrying, but the triggers don't stick and spiral like they did a month ago. I feel more equipped to process through them, and the moments of feeling them are less.
Things that need work:
Of course, my version of the challenge has been far from perfect. On the tracking sheet, I have as many empty boxes as checked ones. But who's counting?
I assumed I would have been more consistent and near perfect (I created it, so you would think I should be able to do it), but I've found the consistency is snowballing as I'm feeling better.
With that said, I still need WANT to work on:
01) Eating sufficient protein.
I have been doing better with this and was honestly startled at how little I was consuming. Most days, I've made a ton of progress. But I could consume even more protein, especially in my evening meal.
That's not to say I will start micromanaging it, but I need to be more aware of planning so I have healthy protein options available.
02) Play has singlehandedly been the most difficult challenge.
I ALWAYS have an excuse. Something more important always needs my attention, even when I know there isn't. I'm starting to wonder why play is scary for me.
Why do I run away from it, from the good so often? I need to dig in more.
03) It's left me questioning my weight.
This thought deserves a post on its own, and it's getting one on Friday.
Here's the thing. I expected weight to come off even though I don't even weigh myself (I'm making assumptions like it hasn't). No matter how much I say weight isn't an issue, it's always lingering like a leach I can't see to pick off of me.
Regardless, I've realized I need to address this conversation, and I'm 100% assuming you want to hear my thoughts about my weight.
04) I need to share more with you.
I love being vulnerable and open. It's one of my gifts, but it doesn't always translate well to posting online. However, I've realized we would connect more if I shared more.
I want to share more, encourage more, and help you more. I think that would happen if I shared more of my life in real-time.
That's why we need part two or round two.
Do you want round two?
What do you say we kick off another 30 days starting July 1st (or July 5th if you'd rather)?
Would you be in?
While you're at it, could you share your wins and 'needs work' areas regarding the challenge? Leave a comment below.
Ready to start the challenge?
Want to take the challenge? Get all of the details and guide here.
Share the link with your friends and family. It's better when you do it together!
Maybe you failed, or didn’t start?
If you didn't engage in the challenge or 'failed,' I need you to know it's okay.
The key is knowing when to quit and when to stay.
Sometimes, you have to fail once, twice, or six times before it works. The question is, are you willing to keep trying and working until it eventually sticks, even if that's on the seventh try?
Stay tuned on Friday as I return to discuss weight. For now, contemplate round two, and let me know if you're in below!
Keep showing up. It's worth it!
Thank you for sharing your journey so far! I’d love to join the challenge and start on July 5th. Just signed up for the waitlist!
Alexa, any chance you’re doing another challenge any time soon?