How You Heal: The Human Energy Field
1 minute read | How healthy is your energy field? Get the details on the human energy field and how to healthify yours inside.

One of the leading problems in the health space, really in life, is how we segment everything into specific parts or systems. We separate our work life from our home life and health from our spiritual life. Even within the body, you have endless systems you work to fix. This separation of the parts of your life is preventing you from healing.
Healing requires you to understand no matter how unique each is, they are all connected. In the process, we overcomplicate health by segmenting it into parts rather than seeing the theme running through the whole.
That theme is energy.
When I was sick, I just wanted to feel better. I wanted to feel light, vibrant, and healthy. I wanted to feel energized. But instead of keeping it simple, by supporting my energy, I dove deep into the complexities. I had a hormonal problem and several diseases. All of which felt overwhelming and all-consuming, leaving me unable to see the whole picture and the rest of me.
I didn’t see that my emotional baggage was weighing me down, both figuratively and literally, changing how my body responded. And I certainly didn’t understand how my thoughts created my need to keep body fat around.
I failed to understand that while my mind, body, and soul may be different, they are all connected. And it’s this connection that changes the outcome.
Meaning it’s not just about how you eat or what you do to change your body. But it’s understanding how those changes are equally affecting your mind and soul but even more how your whole is interacting and relating to others, your environment, and the world around you.
They may be separate, but they’re connected. Healing isn’t just personal, it’s communal, and the connecting link is energy and healing your energy field.
Inside the podcast, we talk about this intimate connection within the energy movement of your mind, body, and soul and how that radiates out of you to create your energy field.